Electricity sector specialists discuss the overcosts of the energy system

Electricity sector specialists discuss the overcosts of the energy system

Industry and academic leaders discussed challenges and opportunities in the energy system. “Optimizing systemic costs: Where are the incentives?” is the panel discussion on energy system cost overruns held by the UAI Energy Transition Center (CENTRA) of the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences of Adolfo Ibáñez University, offering a platform to address challenges and opportunities in the electricity sector. Daniel Olivares, director of CENTRA UAI,…

Electric generators: how much they cost and what to look for when buying

Due to the prolonged power outages that have affected thousands of Chileans, sales of products such as electric generators have skyrocketed in retail, with people looking for solutions to keep their homes running, especially when it comes to lighting and essential appliances, such as refrigerators, heating/cooling systems and medical equipment, for example. When deciding whether to buy an electric generator, Manuel Morales, deputy director of…

An artificial heart that ensures continuity

The supply of electricity is essential for daily life, and ensuring a constant, adequate and efficient flow is essential in any strategic planning and management process. For this reason, the use of backup power generation equipment is indispensable in facilities and activities of all kinds, especially in productive sectors and critical services such as health, data monitoring, digital networks and national security, among others. Regarding…

Columna Cristián Araya M.: Ley Marco de Cambio Climático: Cuestión de principios

“…Representa una transformación que va a traer oportunidades importantes para el país…” Así describió la Ley Marco de Cambio Climático (LCC) la actual ministra del Medio Ambiente, Maisa Rojas, durante una sesión en que se discutía el proyecto de la Comisión de Medioambiente del Senado, en calidad de asesora de la mesa en ese entonces. Esa transformación no debería estar lejos de la realidad una vez…

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