
Generating our own energy – Opinion column by Rodrigo Barraza

Generating our own energy is not an illusion. Research is advancing and today we can talk about Peer to Peer (P2P) systems, which operate under a scheme of homes that can act as prosumers, with the capacity to generate their own electricity, either with solar panels or as electricity consumers. To be able to implement this technology, a certain degree of initial investment is required….

Opinion Column – Daniel Olivares, director of the Energy Transition Center (CENTRA)

A GREATER DISTORTION MR. DIRECTOR: In relation to the controversy in the electricity sector regarding the bill that extends the electricity subsidy, I would like to point out the following: In Chile, Small Distributed Generation Companies (PMGD) can benefit from a special remuneration regime that seeks to stabilize their income in the energy market, considering that, due to their size, they do not compete on…

Distributed Generation: Among the pillars of the National Electric System

This segment is becoming more important for the country’s energy matrix every year, as it is approaching 3.3 GW of installed power generation, which corresponds to 10% of the SEN’s capacity, according to the latest figures from the Superintendency of Electricity and Fuels (SEC). When we talk about distributed generation, we must differentiate between the netbilling type, with installations of up to 300 kW and…

Study on electromobility in Chile reveals unequal distribution of charging points

Work carried out by Volvo Car Chile, in collaboration with the Center for Energy Transition (CENTRA) of the Adolfo Ibáñez University, provided an x-ray of the infrastructure to receive more electrified cars. A detailed study on the state of electromobility in Chile was presented by Volvo Car Chile, a firm that in collaboration with the Center for Energy Transition (CENTRA) of the Adolfo Ibáñez University…

“Risk management system failed and needs to be reformulated”

The UAI academic, Pedro Reszka, addressed the flaws of the current model, which were made evident in the February catastrophe. The academic from the Adolfo Ibáñez University (UAI) and doctor in Fire Safety Engineering, Pedro Reszka, who was one of the speakers at the conference “Great Valparaíso in flames: How will we face the next megafire?”, organized by the CCHC Valparaíso, was critical of the…

Dynamic Analysis of Power Systems with High Penetration of Renewable Energies

Inaugurating the CENTRA UAI academic seminar series, this talk features Jorge Luis Vega-Herrera, associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Antofagasta, associate researcher at the Antofagasta Energy Development Center (CDEA), adjunct researcher in the “Energy Systems” line at the Solar Energy Research Center (SERC-Chile), and member of the Center for Advanced Distributed Energy Solutions (SEDA). Jorge is also president of…

Academics and generators investigate long-term storage in Chile

Academics and a power generator are investigating the economics of incorporating long-term energy storage systems into Chile’s grid. The results are expected to be known by the middle of next year, but initial conclusions could be presented by the end of January, according to information obtained by BNamericas. The work is being carried out by the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences and the Business School…

Seminar on Electric Public Transport: Need for Coordinated Planning

The seminar “Electric Public Transport: Need for Coordinated Planning”, organized by CIGRE Chile, CENTRA, and the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences UAI, was held on Wednesday, August 14 at the UAI Vitacura headquarters. This event addressed the challenges and opportunities of the transition to electric public transport in Chile, in the context of the 2023 Red Movilidad road concession tender, which will promote 50% of…

Launch of the CENTRA-EDF Chile Research Chair

The research project will focus on exploring solutions for a more efficient and sustainable energy system, with an emphasis on energy storage. In a ceremony attended by leading academics, industrial leaders and government representatives, the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences and the Business School of Adolfo Ibáñez University (UAI), in collaboration with EDF Chile, launched a research project that will focus on the development and…

Electricity sector specialists discuss the overcosts of the energy system

Industry and academic leaders discussed challenges and opportunities in the energy system. “Optimizing systemic costs: Where are the incentives?” is the panel discussion on energy system cost overruns held by the UAI Energy Transition Center (CENTRA) of the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences of Adolfo Ibáñez University, offering a platform to address challenges and opportunities in the electricity sector. Daniel Olivares, director of CENTRA UAI,…

Academic from CENTRA UAI presents project to facilitate the energy transition

A web platform will be created designed to carry out electrical studies and provide information to the industry. Luis Gutiérrez, professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences UAI and director of the Civil Engineering in Energy program, launched the Fondef IdeA I+D 2024 ID24I10476 project entitled “VisiónDERRED: Web platform for distribution network analysis for the efficient integration of distributed energy resources”, funded by the…

Electric generators: how much they cost and what to look for when buying

Due to the prolonged power outages that have affected thousands of Chileans, sales of products such as electric generators have skyrocketed in retail, with people looking for solutions to keep their homes running, especially when it comes to lighting and essential appliances, such as refrigerators, heating/cooling systems and medical equipment, for example. When deciding whether to buy an electric generator, Manuel Morales, deputy director of…

Should competition be introduced into electricity distribution?: Experts address difficulties and aim to modernise regulation

Following the massive and persistent power cuts, there are voices that have begun to consider that more actors can enter the distribution industry and stop it from being a natural monopoly. As of Friday, 60 thousand clients nationwide were still without power, according to the Superintendency of Electricity and Fuels (SEC). This is more than a week after the storm that hit the central-southern part…

The key to critical infrastructure resilience in the face of natural disasters

By Javiera Barrera, director of the Doctorate in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Faculty of Engineering and Sciences of the Adolfo Ibáñez University. The new frontal system that is affecting the central and southern part of the country, painfully reminds us of the vulnerability of our critical infrastructure to natural disasters. These events prompt us to reflect on how we can build more resilient infrastructures…

Daniel Gutiérrez, CENTRA member and lawyer specializing in electricity law: “We are not facing a regulatory vacuum”

In an interview with Agenda Económica, the lawyer specializing in electrical law and founding partner of BGS Energy Law, Daniel Gutiérrez, a member of CENTRA, referred to the problem of prolonged power outages after the frontal system. In this regard, he commented that there is no regulatory vacuum in this area. However, he indicated that one cannot “pretend to have intelligent distribution lines” if as…

An artificial heart that ensures continuity

The supply of electricity is essential for daily life, and ensuring a constant, adequate and efficient flow is essential in any strategic planning and management process. For this reason, the use of backup power generation equipment is indispensable in facilities and activities of all kinds, especially in productive sectors and critical services such as health, data monitoring, digital networks and national security, among others. Regarding…

Is it possible to travel around Chile in an electric car?

Although there are more than 900 charging stations across the country, they are concentrated between Coquimbo and La Araucanía, making journeys to remote areas and those far from highways difficult or longer in duration. One of the most common questions when someone considers an electric car is whether long trips can be made in it. Traveling north, south, or across Chile. Matías Díaz, director of…

The number of people without electricity has increased to 685 million

A new report reveals that for the first time in the last decade, the gap in basic energy access has increased, jeopardizing the United Nations’ goal of ensuring that everyone has access to this resource by 2030. Ending poverty, reducing inequality, and building more peaceful and prosperous societies. This is the overarching goal pursued by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the 193…

The pending challenges in the energy transition

The energy transition is due to the re-evaluation of the value of fossil fuels compared to renewable energies. The former have lost value, due to the accumulated evidence about their role in global warming, their negative impact on air quality and the perception of insecurity in their supply chains. In contrast, renewable energies, such as solar and wind, have gained value by significantly reducing their…

The continent’s sustainable financing opportunity

If Latin America prepares correctly, there is a real possibility of creating a market for new financial products or services that aim to sustain a zero-emissions economy, opening a new niche for both local banking and multilateral institutions. But this green portfolio must first be organized around a taxonomy that allows avoiding the feared “greenwashing.” On May 23, Chile entered a deficit. But it was…


A generator is a system for generating electricity by integrating an internal combustion engine that normally uses Diesel as fuel and that drives an electric generator. Generators are used in industries, commercial buildings and residential buildings to provide a secure power supply to critical equipment in the event of a power outage. In addition, they can be used to reduce costs by limiting power during…

Chile must promote the benefits of heat pumps to encourage their use

The transition away from coal and other types of thermoelectric power generation and toward boosting the penetration of renewable sources is a solid first step toward decarbonizing a country. The other important pieces of the puzzle — energy efficiency, electrification, and sustainable transportation — could be more complicated, given that the goal is not a couple of power plants but rather an atomized set of…

Hard blow to the pocket: this Monday begins to apply the readjustment and gradual increase in electricity tariffs

This scenario is the result of the unfreezing of tariffs, which were frozen from the Social Outbreak to date. Therefore, they will rise as much as they should have risen during that time. The deadline has arrived. After arduous days of discussion, this Monday the increase in electricity rates begins to take effect, which means that customers’ bills will experience a considerable price increase. This…

CENTRA UAI holds seminar on smart grids with integration of solar roofs

The Energy Transition Center (Centra) of the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences of the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI) held on Monday, June 3, the seminar “Distribution networks with high integration of solar roofs: lessons from the Australian case”. The activity took place between 9 and 11 am, with free access and in hybrid format at the Vitacura Campus (Room 7, Av. Santa María 5870). The…

Challenges for proper energy management go along the lines of implementing Big Data and AI.

In this interview, Rodrigo Barraza, academic and researcher at the Energy Transition Center (CENTRA) of the UAI School of Engineering and Sciences, and SERC Chile, addresses the crucial relationship between energy efficiency and competitiveness in copper mining, and explores how fluctuations in energy prices impact the sector, the specific challenges faced by mining energy management compared to other sectors, and the growing importance of renewable…

New UAI renewable energy lab course allows students to learn about solar and wind energy in the field and power electronics in the lab

Among its attractions, it includes a “wind tunnel” to measure the impact of various variables on wind turbines and a photovoltaic field to analyze the impact of various operation and maintenance strategies on production and operating costs. The infrastructure also allows new photovoltaic modules to be tested under real conditions and to conduct research and technology transfer. The Civil Engineering in Energy career of the…

The centralized paradigm that resists change

IT IS TIME TO CONTEMPLATE A DECENTRALIZED ARCHITECTURE THAT MAXIMIZES THE CAPABILITIES OF DISTRIBUTED RESOURCES AND MINIMIZES THE EXTERNALITIES OF LARGE-SCALE PROJECTS. In the current energy transformation process, we face a paradigmatic challenge: to adapt our institutional structures and methodologies to a reality where sustainability objectives are a priority. Historically, the energy sector, governed by economic efficiency and security of supply, operated under the assumption…

Center for Energy Transition researcher presents on distributed energy at Proyecta Solar 2024

The Chilean Solar Energy Association (ACESOL) held the sixth edition of the Proyecta Solar 2024 seminar and solar fair, an event that was inaugurated by the Undersecretary of Energy, Luis Felipe Ramos. Ramos highlighted the importance of clean energy in Chile and the joint effort to regulate and advance projects that will allow the country to achieve its carbon neutrality goals. During the seminar, Luis…

UAI and WEC Chile organize panel on clean fuels and energy transition

As part of Women’s Month, the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences of the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI) together with the World Energy Council Chile (WEC Chile), organized the panel “Hydrogen and clean fuels”, led by four leading industry experts. In the instance, the current situation of renewable energy in the country was addressed, as well as the articulated collaboration between the State, business and academia,…

Engineering and Sciences UAI organizes first seminar on sustainable fuel for aviation in Chile

With the aim of delving into the current panorama of sustainable aviation fuels, the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences of the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI), together with the Center for Energy Transition (CENTRA), organized the seminar “Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF): Taking off towards a greener future”, the first event on this subject in our country, which brought together exponents from the private sector, the public…

Seminar: Energy Storage, the missing key piece of the system

The Energy Storage Seminar, organized by CIGRE Chile and Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, was held in person and streaming. This event explored the crucial role of energy storage as an essential piece of the electricity system and reflected on our readiness to replace coal and face the climate emergency. Energy storage represents the systemic attribute of flexibility, allowing compatibility between rigidities in production and rigidities in…

World Energy Efficiency Day, a review of our Law

By Luis Gutiérrez, academic and researcher at the Energy Transition Center (CENTRA) of the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences UAI, and SERC Chile. Every March 5 we celebrate World Energy Efficiency Day, an instance to reflect on the rational and efficient use of energy, and the necessary transition to energy systems with high participation of renewable energies, with emphasis on those non-conventional (NCRE, mainly solar…

Evsy: Find all the charging points for electric cars in one App

Among the challenges of living in the city is how quickly we adopt new technologies. Electric cars are a reality, but their implementation is full of challenges for their full massification. In a new chapter of “Energía Infinita”, actress Leonor Varela presented us with Evsy, an application that has a map with all the charging points for electric vehicles in your city and you can…

Center for the Energy Transition CENTRA of the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences of the UAI seeks to make the energy transition as collaborative as possible

Collaboration between academia and industry is essential for a more promising energy future. Universities are a key pillar by providing advanced human capital and promoting the development of technologies with their research, thus promoting more sustainable and efficient processes. In a new chapter of “Infinite Energy”, actress Leonor Varela showed us how the Energy Transition Center of the Faculty of Energy and Sciences of the…

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI) Participates in the Creation of the National Center for Advanced Decentralized Energy Solutions (SEDA)

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI), through its Energy Transition Center (CENTRA), has played an essential role in the creation and development of the innovative National Center for Advanced Decentralized Energy Solutions (SEDA). This initiative is a key component of the Chilean Ministry of Energy’s Energy Agenda 2022-2026, which aims to transform the energy sector into a catalyst for economic growth and a pillar of a new…

Price reduction emerges as the main challenge in electromobility

One of the most ambitious goals of the National Electromobility Strategy aims for 100% of sales of light and medium vehicles to be zero emissions by 2035 and, although there is already progress, experts warn that massification will depend on the development of the brands. and government incentives. A little more than two years ago, the Government adopted a plan to promote the development of…

Electrical distribution and its regulation: keys to electromobility and distributed generation

“WE CANNOT ADDRESS DISTRIBUTION REFORM WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING THAT IT IS A MARKET TRANSFORMATION” Recent studies in Chile show that around 6 GW netbilling-type generation projects, without storage, could be integrated into distribution networks, which is equivalent to 50% of the maximum demand of the National Electric System (SEN). On the other hand, 426,000 new cars were sold in the country last year. If they were…

Centra UAI and Cigre develop first seminar focused on the energy user

The innovative meeting will include debates on the global energy crisis, security, carbon neutrality and climate change. In an event that seeks to address the challenges related to the energy user, the Chilean Committee of the International Council of Large Electrical Grids (Cigre Chile) and the Energy Transition Center (CENTRA) of the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences of the Adolfo Ibáñez University, will bring together specialists from…

Smart City Special

Experts agree that 5G has a great impact on Smart cities, revolutionizing their design and management. This trend offers a wide variety of capabilities, such as ultra-high bandwidth, low latency and speed in data transmission that contribute to cities with these types of characteristics. “5G allows data transmission speeds of up to one hundred times more than 4G in mobile phones, and a latency of…

“It is up to us to take advantage of the opportunities of the energy transition”

The reference of the Center for Energy Transition (Chile), Carlos Silva, opened the streaming, “Vaca Muerta, nexus for Energy Integration” organized by Better Energy. He considered that gas and renewable energy are two priority sources of supply that would complement demand and supply on both sides of the Andes Mountains. “We have systems that have developed quite differently. For example, it is enough to see…

Distributed Generation in Chile for global decarbonization

From the point of view of self-consumption, there is also evidence that the development of electricity supply systems with a high integration of generation and distributed storage can facilitate the electrification of transport and heating, which is crucial to achieve global decarbonization goals. It is difficult to conceive of a perspective from which a distributed energy supply system does not exceed the technical performance of…

Electric mobility could contribute 17% of Chile’s decarbonisation goal by 2050

Although 100% electric models have increased by 275% in three years, experts agree that it is urgent to advance in greater incentives, benefits and an ecosystem that allows the massification of electromobility throughout the national territory. It is estimated that today transport is responsible for 35% of energy consumption in our country. And of this segment, 86% corresponds to land transport. This means that the…

Williams’ task 1 with lithium: accelerate the definition of strategic salt flats

Defining salt flats, ownership structure and recovering lost time are some of the challenges that the Secretary of State will have. While Liontown Resources identifies Argentina, China and Zimbabwe as the countries with the most lithium projects by 2026, Chile seems to be left out. The The responsibility, then, of the new Mining Minister, Aurora Williams, will be to speed up the definitions of the…

Charging points: the unresolved debt in electromobility for private cars

Electric car sales have increased. According to figures from the National Automotive Association of Chile (Anac), 6,904 units were registered in 2022, an increase of more than 100% compared to 2021, but they still represent a lower percentage of the entire automotive market in the country. According to the National Electromobility Strategy, from 2035 they will only sell electric vehicles. However, apart from the price…

Snapshot: Chile’s EV charging point rules

Chile’s energy ministry has introduced secondary legislation on electric vehicle charging point interoperability and standards. The concept of interoperability is outlined in energy efficiency law No. 21,305, which entered the statute books in 2021 and, chiefly, mandates the creation of a national energy efficiency plan. The rules fall under a wider push to help ensure owners can charge their vehicles at any point in the…

Columna Cristián Araya M.: Ley Marco de Cambio Climático: Cuestión de principios

“…Representa una transformación que va a traer oportunidades importantes para el país…” Así describió la Ley Marco de Cambio Climático (LCC) la actual ministra del Medio Ambiente, Maisa Rojas, durante una sesión en que se discutía el proyecto de la Comisión de Medioambiente del Senado, en calidad de asesora de la mesa en ese entonces. Esa transformación no debería estar lejos de la realidad una vez…

Carlos Silva, Centra UAI: «La transición energética debe involucrar a todos los sectores»

La transición energética es un tema que ocupa al CENTRA de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, quienes están abocados en el desarrollo y transferencia de investigación interdisciplinaria que fomente un proceso de transformación profunda de nuestra sociedad hacía una economía baja en emisiones de carbono. Para conocer más, Club de Innovación entrevistó a Carlos Silva, Ph.D. en Ingeniería Eléctrica e investigador de CENTRA, quien se refirió al…

Why regional leader Chile’s electric bus embrace will likely tighten

Luis Gutiérrez is director of the Civil Engineering in Energy career and academic of the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences of the Adolfo Ibáñez University, associate researcher for the Center for Energy Transition (CEnTra-UAI) and for the Solar Energy Research Center (SERC-Chile). Luis holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering, Power Systems, from the University of Manchester, United Kingdom.   In 2023 Chile will have around…

Power lines: The main challenges in terms of monitoring and inspection in Chile

Although they have different specific objectives, power line monitoring and inspection aim to improve the availability of these vital elements of our electrical infrastructure. In general, monitoring is related to the real-time operation of the system while line inspection is a maintenance task (preventive or corrective).   Power lines are a fundamental part of transporting energy to points of consumption. For this reason, optimal availability…

CENTRA UAI researchers develop techniques for the intelligent management of solar energy

The project is funded by the National Research and Development Agency (ANID) and also had the participation of the companies Metric Arts EY and MiroSolar.   A study led by a research team from the UAI Center for Energy Transition, within the framework of the Fondef IDeA project “GEMA (Energy Management in Microgrids with Storage) managed to develop techniques to intelligently manage solar energy. The…

Director of CENTRA exposes research results in Canadian universities

Daniel Olivares, director of CENTRA, presented at the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability (IRES) at The University of British Columbia (UBC) the results of a study commissioned by the Chilean Ministry of Energy to analyze the role of distributed energy resources in long-term energy planning in Chile. See the video and presentation of the Seminar in the following link In addition, Daniel presented at…

Energy efficiency in low voltage electric motors

Posted by Revista ElectroIndustria. A few years ago, electric motors represented over 60% of the country’s energy consumption in Chile, a fact that explains the industry’s interest in having more efficient equipment. To understand more about energy efficiency in low-voltage electric motors, we spoke with Luis Gutiérrez, Doctor of Electrical Engineering, Power Systems (University of Manchester, United Kingdom), Director of the Civil Engineering in Energy…

UAI Center for Energy Transition will evaluate the use of green hydrogen to decarbonize and decontaminate Araucanía

The study aims to identify technological alternatives compatible with the socio-cultural identity of some communities, in addition to the costs of an eventual change and the application of appropriate policies, it will last 3 years and will use mathematical optimization models applied to the national territory and to the cities of Temuco and Padre Las Casas, in the Araucanía Region. A project financed by the…

The challenges for the electrical system in the face of the water crisis

Although for now there is no risk of rationing, if necessary, a decree would allow the application of a series of exceptional measures to reduce electricity consumption. Although the electricity supply is still guaranteed, the drought is a reality that must be overcome. For this reason, there is a preventive rationing decree that establishes measures against energy shortages, considering that the contribution of hydroelectric plants…

CENTRA debuts with an Industrial Research Chair through a project with the Chilean Solar Energy Association (ACESOL)

The Center for Energy Transition (CENTRA) of the Adolfo Ibáñez University (UAI) has just created the Industrial Research Chairs, which debuts with an applied research project with the Chilean Solar Energy Association (ACESOL). The initiative aims to generate new knowledge and tools for the efficient integration of energy resources (sources, storage systems and charging stations, for example) distributed in Chile, to promote regulatory or normative…

UC Berkeley expert speaks at the launch of the UAI Center for Energy Transition

On Wednesday, April 6, the launching ceremony of the UAI Center for Energy Transition (CENTRA) was held, an interdisciplinary body – born from the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences UAI (FIC) – whose purpose is to allow society to advance in the transition towards economical, environmentally friendly, socially acceptable and secure energy supply and use systems. At the event, Daniel Kammen, professor at the University…

Electrical microgrids: from the citizen generation to the community generation

Microgrids are groupings of distributed energy generation and storage equipment, such as photovoltaic solar roofs, small solar and wind producers, and batteries, which supply locally and in a coordinated manner to a set of electricity users. They exist in various sizes and configurations, but in all cases they respond to the need to efficiently and safely operate local energy resources, either in isolation or in…

Researcher of CENTRA UAI develops stretchable light detector with applications in biomedicine, robotics and agriculture

The CENTRA UAI academic, Felipe Larraín, participated in a revolutionary research, who, together with North American researchers, created the first stretchable photodetector, with mechanical properties similar to those of human skin, capable of capturing light and being applied in biomedicine, robotics, security and agriculture, among other areas. The study – highlighted by the prestigious North American journal Science Advances – was developed over three years…

Opportunities and Challenges: In the Operation of Distribution Networks with High Penetration of Distributed Energy Resources

Distributed energy resources (DER), such as photovoltaic systems, electric vehicles and small-scale storage are becoming more affordable each year for the final consumer and, in particular, for the residential market. This democratization of electricity generation brings with it a disruptive change in demand, where the customer goes from being a consumer to a prosumer, that is, that consumes but also produces electricity. The benefits are…

Storage, current analysis of an upward trend

“In the November edition of the Magazine Nueva Minería y Energía, our researcher Luis Gutierrez-Lagos refers to the feasibility of incorporating energy storage into the National Electric System (SEN). “The incorporation of energy storage in the National Electric System (SEN) is not only feasible, but it also becomes technically necessary to sustain the growth of solar and wind generation at the rate that has been…

Decentralization: People at the center of the production chain

Daniel Olivares addresses the role of distributed generation and storage as part of the efficient technological mix of electricity supply for Chile. He also discusses the challenges and opportunities associated with the greater resilience that these resources could provide to the electricity supply of end customers.

Chile has enormous space to continue innovating in the energy matrix

In this article, published in El Mercurio, the CENTRA UAI researcher, Felipe Larraín, highlights that Chile has been increasing variable renewable generation capacity for several years with solar photovoltaic and wind power plants. However, he assures that the intrinsic variability of resources poses difficulties that encourage innovation. In the short term, battery-based energy storage systems offer an alternative to alleviate transmission congestion, delay investments, arbitrate…

Eduardo Bitran: Global action is an opportunity for Chile

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change delivered its sixth report in which it projects that the global warming limit of 2°C will be exceeded during the 21st century unless there are profound reductions in Greenhouse Gas emissions in the coming decades ( GHG). In this context, the package of binding measures recently approved by the European Commission generates an expectation of advancing globally with the…

Renewable energy certification seeks to accelerate the transition to carbon-free energy

Our researcher and director of the Master and Diploma in Technologies and Management of Non-Conventional Renewable Energies UAI, Shahriyar Nasirov spoke in El Mercurio about the certification of renewable energies and how this system puts the consumer at the center of the energy transition. Nasirov says that although the renewable energy certification markets have grown rapidly in recent years, there are several major challenges for…

Friendly urbanism, smart cities

More than 30 countries celebrated the World Urban Planning Day on November 8, convening a set of disciplines that seek to improve the design and management of cities, incorporating the advantages of AI and the sustainable perspective of development, in an overpopulated planet that subsists in critical climatic conditions. Beyond public housing policies, the development of public works and equitable access to services; Today we…

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