This scenario is the result of the unfreezing of tariffs, which were frozen from the Social Outbreak to date. Therefore, they will rise as much as they should have risen during that time.

The deadline has arrived. After arduous days of discussion, this Monday the increase in electricity rates begins to take effect, which means that customers’ bills will experience a considerable price increase.

This scenario is the result of the unfreezing of rates, which have been frozen since the Social Outbreak up to now. Therefore, they will rise as much as they should have risen during that time.

To determine the increase for each family, customers were divided into three segments: those paying up to $45 thousand, which will have an increase between 6% and 9%; those paying between $45 thousand and $65 thousand, whose increase will be between 20% and 26%; and those paying more than $65 thousand, which will see an increase between 15% and 19%.

The academic and partner of Táctica Abogados, Rodrigo Castillo, explained that “at the time when the rates were frozen, the dollar was, more or less, at 660 pesos and, during the last five years, as we all know, the dollar has exceeded one thousand pesos and today it is at 950 pesos. This factor alone implies a very large difference between what should have been paid and what is actually being paid”.

Meanwhile, the dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Science of the Adolfo Ibáñez University and former president of the Association of Generators, Claudio Seebach, added that “given that the rates have not been raised during all this time, there was a significant increase in the cost of fuels, coal, natural gas, oil, which has accumulated from 2019 to date almost 6 billion dollars of doubt”.

It is worth mentioning that this increase will be gradual, that is, this Monday is the first of them. The others will be in October and January 2025, reaching a total increase of about 60% in electricity rates.

Likewise, within the measures to mitigate and combat this significant increase in bills, it will be possible to apply for the Electricity Subsidy, which will benefit families belonging to the 40% most vulnerable, according to the Social Registry of Homes, as long as their bills are up to date.

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