The Chilean Solar Energy Association (ACESOL) held the sixth edition of the Proyecta Solar 2024 seminar and solar fair, an event that was inaugurated by the Undersecretary of Energy, Luis Felipe Ramos. Ramos highlighted the importance of clean energy in Chile and the joint effort to regulate and advance projects that will allow the country to achieve its carbon neutrality goals.

During the seminar, Luis Gutiérrez, Researcher of Center for Energy Transition (CENTRA), presented a keynote speech on the challenges of distributed generation, highlighting the FONDEF project he leads. This project seeks to contribute to the efficient and safe integration of distributed energy resources in Chile, through the development of a web platform that allows the expeditious technical evaluation and implementation of mitigation measures in medium and low voltage networks. The tool developed in the project is presented as an objective solution that can significantly influence public policy decisions and private investment strategies in the energy sector, aligning with the country’s carbon neutrality objectives. Luis Gutiérrez’s full presentation is available at the following link.

The event was also attended by Dario Morales, executive director of ACESOL, who highlighted the relevance of dialogue and networking in Proyecta Solar, and how solar energy is not only key for electricity generation, but also for the production of thermal energy. The seminar culminated with the recognition of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) for its contribution to the development of solar energy in Chile, an award presented by Corinna Küsel, director of GIZ Southern Cone.