Skin-like low-noise elastomeric organic photodiodes

Repair and recertification of silicon photovoltaic panels using additive manufacturing

This project consists of evaluating the health status of photovoltaic panels installed in Chilean territory and contributing to the management of waste from defective panels. This involves the identification of operating cells in waste panels, their disconnection and subsequent reconnection in repaired panels, for subsequent recertification, by printing organic inks with conductive properties based on metallic nanoparticles.

Chile has enormous space to continue innovating in the energy matrix

In this article, published in El Mercurio, the CENTRA UAI researcher, Felipe Larraín, highlights that Chile has been increasing variable renewable generation capacity for several years with solar photovoltaic and wind power plants. However, he assures that the intrinsic variability of resources poses difficulties that encourage innovation. In the short term, battery-based energy storage systems offer an alternative to alleviate transmission congestion, delay investments, arbitrate…

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Diagonal las Torres 2640, Peñalolén.
Av. Presidente Errázuriz 3485, Las Condes
Av. Santa María 5870, Vitacura.
VIÑA DEL MAR - (56 32) 250 3500
Padre Hurtado 750, Viña del Mar.
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