Launch of the CENTRA-EDF Chile Research Chair

Launch of the CENTRA-EDF Chile Research Chair

The research project will focus on exploring solutions for a more efficient and sustainable energy system, with an emphasis on energy storage. In a ceremony attended by leading academics, industrial leaders and government representatives, the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences and the Business School of Adolfo Ibáñez University (UAI), in collaboration with EDF Chile, launched a research project that will focus on the development and…

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI) Participates in the Creation of the National Center for Advanced Decentralized Energy Solutions (SEDA)

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI), through its Energy Transition Center (CENTRA), has played an essential role in the creation and development of the innovative National Center for Advanced Decentralized Energy Solutions (SEDA). This initiative is a key component of the Chilean Ministry of Energy’s Energy Agenda 2022-2026, which aims to transform the energy sector into a catalyst for economic growth and a pillar of a new…

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