Renewable energy certification seeks to accelerate the transition to carbon-free energy

Renewable energy certification seeks to accelerate the transition to carbon-free energy

Our researcher and director of the Master and Diploma in Technologies and Management of Non-Conventional Renewable Energies UAI, Shahriyar Nasirov spoke in El Mercurio about the certification of renewable energies and how this system puts the consumer at the center of the energy transition. Nasirov says that although the renewable energy certification markets have grown rapidly in recent years, there are several major challenges for…

Friendly urbanism, smart cities

More than 30 countries celebrated the World Urban Planning Day on November 8, convening a set of disciplines that seek to improve the design and management of cities, incorporating the advantages of AI and the sustainable perspective of development, in an overpopulated planet that subsists in critical climatic conditions. Beyond public housing policies, the development of public works and equitable access to services; Today we…

(56 2) 2331 1000

Diagonal las Torres 2640, Peñalolén.
Av. Presidente Errázuriz 3485, Las Condes
Av. Santa María 5870, Vitacura.
VIÑA DEL MAR - (56 32) 250 3500
Padre Hurtado 750, Viña del Mar.
Certificados académicos