Cross-border energy market: study sees economic and environmental benefits for Chile

Increase in the specific tax on fuel: what would be its impact on car use and on the reduction of emissions?

April 6, 2023 The possible increase in the specific tax on fuels has returned to public discussion after the Minister of the Environment mentioned that progress is being made on the green tax project included in the government’s program. The reactions to her statements highlight that this is a complex and controversial measure. To contribute to the debate, we present various perspectives on the issue…

Energy transition: experts address global and public policy challenges

February 2, 2022 The mass integration of renewable energy and decarbonization were key topics discussed during a seminar at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI) to introduce the newly established Center for Energy Transition (CENTRA). As part of the launch of CENTRA UAI, academics from the university participated in an online seminar, addressing global energy challenges and public policy issues from the perspective of various research initiatives….

Solar Energy Research Center (SERC-Chile)

The overall aim of SERC Chile is to build a solid base of knowledge on solar energy. For this second stage (2017-2022), four strategic focuses were defined for the development of solar energy in Chile: 1) Massive integration of large-scale solar energy to the electric interconnected system, 2) Solar energy based mining in Chile, 3) Development and widespread adoption of small-scale solar solutions and 4)…

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