Daniel Gutiérrez, CENTRA member and lawyer specializing in electricity law: “We are not facing a regulatory vacuum”

August 8, 2024   In an interview with Agenda Económica, the lawyer specializing in electrical law and founding partner of BGS Energy Law, Daniel Gutiérrez, a member of CENTRA, referred to the problem of prolonged power outages after the frontal system. In this regard, he commented that there is no regulatory vacuum in this area. However, he indicated that one cannot “pretend to have intelligent…

An artificial heart that ensures continuity

August 7, 2024   The supply of electricity is essential for daily life, and ensuring a constant, adequate and efficient flow is essential in any strategic planning and management process. For this reason, the use of backup power generation equipment is indispensable in facilities and activities of all kinds, especially in productive sectors and critical services such as health, data monitoring, digital networks and national…

Is it possible to travel around Chile in an electric car?

July 25, 2024   Although there are more than 900 charging stations across the country, they are concentrated between Coquimbo and La Araucanía, making journeys to remote areas and those far from highways difficult or longer in duration. One of the most common questions when someone considers an electric car is whether long trips can be made in it. Traveling north, south, or across Chile….

The number of people without electricity has increased to 685 million

July 25, 2024   A new report reveals that for the first time in the last decade, the gap in basic energy access has increased, jeopardizing the United Nations’ goal of ensuring that everyone has access to this resource by 2030. Ending poverty, reducing inequality, and building more peaceful and prosperous societies. This is the overarching goal pursued by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),…

The pending challenges in the energy transition

July 23, 2024   The energy transition is due to the re-evaluation of the value of fossil fuels compared to renewable energies. The former have lost value, due to the accumulated evidence about their role in global warming, their negative impact on air quality and the perception of insecurity in their supply chains. In contrast, renewable energies, such as solar and wind, have gained value…

The continent’s sustainable financing opportunity

July 23, 2024   If Latin America prepares correctly, there is a real possibility of creating a market for new financial products or services that aim to sustain a zero-emissions economy, opening a new niche for both local banking and multilateral institutions. But this green portfolio must first be organized around a taxonomy that allows avoiding the feared “greenwashing.” On May 23, Chile entered a…


July 11, 2024   A generator is a system for generating electricity by integrating an internal combustion engine that normally uses Diesel as fuel and that drives an electric generator. Generators are used in industries, commercial buildings and residential buildings to provide a secure power supply to critical equipment in the event of a power outage. In addition, they can be used to reduce costs…

Chile must promote the benefits of heat pumps to encourage their use

July 11, 2024   The transition away from coal and other types of thermoelectric power generation and toward boosting the penetration of renewable sources is a solid first step toward decarbonizing a country. The other important pieces of the puzzle — energy efficiency, electrification, and sustainable transportation — could be more complicated, given that the goal is not a couple of power plants but rather…

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