Electrical distribution and its regulation: keys to electromobility and distributed generation

“WE CANNOT ADDRESS DISTRIBUTION REFORM WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING THAT IT IS A MARKET TRANSFORMATION” Recent studies in Chile show that around 6 GW netbilling-type generation projects, without storage, could be integrated into distribution networks, which is equivalent to 50% of the maximum demand of the National Electric System (SEN). On the other hand, 426,000 new cars were sold in the country last year. If they were…

Centra UAI and Cigre develop first seminar focused on the energy user

The innovative meeting will include debates on the global energy crisis, security, carbon neutrality and climate change. In an event that seeks to address the challenges related to the energy user, the Chilean Committee of the International Council of Large Electrical Grids (Cigre Chile) and the Energy Transition Center (CENTRA) of the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences of the Adolfo Ibáñez University, will bring together specialists from…

Smart City Special

Experts agree that 5G has a great impact on Smart cities, revolutionizing their design and management. This trend offers a wide variety of capabilities, such as ultra-high bandwidth, low latency and speed in data transmission that contribute to cities with these types of characteristics. “5G allows data transmission speeds of up to one hundred times more than 4G in mobile phones, and a latency of…

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