The number of people without electricity has increased to 685 million

The number of people without electricity has increased to 685 million

A new report reveals that for the first time in the last decade, the gap in basic energy access has increased, jeopardizing the United Nations’ goal of ensuring that everyone has access to this resource by 2030. Ending poverty, reducing inequality, and building more peaceful and prosperous societies. This is the overarching goal pursued by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the 193…

The pending challenges in the energy transition

The energy transition is due to the re-evaluation of the value of fossil fuels compared to renewable energies. The former have lost value, due to the accumulated evidence about their role in global warming, their negative impact on air quality and the perception of insecurity in their supply chains. In contrast, renewable energies, such as solar and wind, have gained value by significantly reducing their…

The centralized paradigm that resists change

IT IS TIME TO CONTEMPLATE A DECENTRALIZED ARCHITECTURE THAT MAXIMIZES THE CAPABILITIES OF DISTRIBUTED RESOURCES AND MINIMIZES THE EXTERNALITIES OF LARGE-SCALE PROJECTS. In the current energy transformation process, we face a paradigmatic challenge: to adapt our institutional structures and methodologies to a reality where sustainability objectives are a priority. Historically, the energy sector, governed by economic efficiency and security of supply, operated under the assumption…

Evsy: Find all the charging points for electric cars in one App

Among the challenges of living in the city is how quickly we adopt new technologies. Electric cars are a reality, but their implementation is full of challenges for their full massification. In a new chapter of “Energía Infinita”, actress Leonor Varela presented us with Evsy, an application that has a map with all the charging points for electric vehicles in your city and you can…

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI) Participates in the Creation of the National Center for Advanced Decentralized Energy Solutions (SEDA)

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI), through its Energy Transition Center (CENTRA), has played an essential role in the creation and development of the innovative National Center for Advanced Decentralized Energy Solutions (SEDA). This initiative is a key component of the Chilean Ministry of Energy’s Energy Agenda 2022-2026, which aims to transform the energy sector into a catalyst for economic growth and a pillar of a new…

Electrical distribution and its regulation: keys to electromobility and distributed generation

“WE CANNOT ADDRESS DISTRIBUTION REFORM WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING THAT IT IS A MARKET TRANSFORMATION” Recent studies in Chile show that around 6 GW netbilling-type generation projects, without storage, could be integrated into distribution networks, which is equivalent to 50% of the maximum demand of the National Electric System (SEN). On the other hand, 426,000 new cars were sold in the country last year. If they were…

Centra UAI and Cigre develop first seminar focused on the energy user

The innovative meeting will include debates on the global energy crisis, security, carbon neutrality and climate change. In an event that seeks to address the challenges related to the energy user, the Chilean Committee of the International Council of Large Electrical Grids (Cigre Chile) and the Energy Transition Center (CENTRA) of the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences of the Adolfo Ibáñez University, will bring together specialists from…

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VIÑA DEL MAR - (56 32) 250 3500
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