UAI Center for Energy Transition will evaluate the use of green hydrogen to decarbonize and decontaminate Araucanía

The study aims to identify technological alternatives compatible with the socio-cultural identity of some communities, in addition to the costs of an eventual change and the application of appropriate policies, it will last 3 years and will use mathematical optimization models applied to the national territory and to the cities of Temuco and Padre Las Casas, in the Araucanía Region. A project financed by the…

CENTRA Industrial Research Chairs (IRC) Program

Industrial partner partially finances a research program designed to answer questions of common interest, while preserving academic freedom of the research team. “Industrial Fondecyt” concept. The contribution of the industrial partner will depend on the details of the research program that is defined. An IRC provides financing for doctoral students and postdocs of excellence, acquisition of equipment, general expenses associated with the research program, incentive…

New Industrial Fellowship Program

Formal program for the participation of professionals in the industry or public sector in CENTRA. The program establishes a series of milestones and results associated with an agreed work plan. The CENTRA industrial fellow receives mentoring and advice from CENTRA academic members to develop their work plan. Allows participation in the co-supervision of UAI students who support the development of the work plan as research…

The challenges for the electrical system in the face of the water crisis

Although for now there is no risk of rationing, if necessary, a decree would allow the application of a series of exceptional measures to reduce electricity consumption. Although the electricity supply is still guaranteed, the drought is a reality that must be overcome. For this reason, there is a preventive rationing decree that establishes measures against energy shortages, considering that the contribution of hydroelectric plants…

CENTRA debuts with an Industrial Research Chair through a project with the Chilean Solar Energy Association (ACESOL)

The Center for Energy Transition (CENTRA) of the Adolfo Ibáñez University (UAI) has just created the Industrial Research Chairs, which debuts with an applied research project with the Chilean Solar Energy Association (ACESOL). The initiative aims to generate new knowledge and tools for the efficient integration of energy resources (sources, storage systems and charging stations, for example) distributed in Chile, to promote regulatory or normative…

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